Medical Matters
We do administer medication to pupils. Please complete the form below and hand it t the school office. Form for administering medication
Asthma and Epi pens
Children requiring these medications have a Care Plan drawn up that details the use of the asthma pumps and epi-pen. These Care Plans are reviewed annually or when the situation changes. Parents take responsibility for ensuring that medications have not expired. These medications are always with the children if they leave the site. Children in Keystage 2 are encouraged to take responsibility for carrying them. If an epi-pen is administered or the child has an asthma which cannot be controlled with the inhaler then an ambulance is always called and parents are contacted immediately.
As we have children who are severely allergic to nuts, nuts and nut products are banned from packed lunches.
Where children have severe allergies the class is made aware of this to prevent the child from suffering an allergic reaction, for example sharing chocolate with a child who is allergic to dairy products.
Sickness and Diarrhoea
If your child has suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea, the advice from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) is that children should remain at home for 48 hours following their last bout of illness. This is to prevent infection spreading, such as the Norovirus.
Minor Injuries
Our trained First Aiders assess the situation and treat injuries accordingly. All head injuries are reported to parents at the time of the incident. A joint decision is made regarding what further care may be required ie: monitored in class, sent home. Whereever possible we would always encourage children to stay in school. In addition to the phone call parents receive a note regarding the injury.
Severe Injuries
On the rare occasion that an injury is severe an ambulance will always be called and the parents informed immediately. If the parent has not arrived by the time at the ambulance leaves then a Senior member of staff will always accompany the child in the ambulance and stay with them until their parents arrive.
Useful websites
Allergy UK
British Heart Foundation
Child in Car Safety
Be Child Cancer Aware
Child Line