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All Saints Blackheath


Our school's origins go back to 1825 when a National School of Industry was founded in Blackheath Vale.

The Parish took over the school in 1867 and it became All Saints' Girls School. The school moved to the present site in 1878 and was extended in 1939 when it became an Infants and Junior Mixed School.

The school was originally established so that the children might learn about God and his Goodness and reflect on this as they prepare to take their place in the wider world. The Christian ethos of love and care is the foundation of all our aims and we ensure that the Christian faith is manifest throughout every aspect of our school life.

At All Saints’ we aim to build a caring partnership between home and school and to provide a high quality education based upon Christian principles for every child. The relationships within our whole school community are excellent and are evident throughout the school. Our success is built on high expectations. We raise the children’s levels of achievement and develop their skills so that they are equipped for whatever the future may bring. We also place great emphasis on children being aware of their social, environmental and global responsibilities.

Our high expectations apply not only to the children but also ourselves. We strive to provide the best possible learning environment for everyone.

Ethos and Values

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our children so that they can learn in a relaxed, secure and happy atmosphere.

We aim to promote equal opportunities by:

  • Providing a framework so that each child is able to develop a sound Christian basis for his/her life in a rapidly changing multicultural society and a developing world
  • Promoting respect and self-esteem for each person as an individual
  • Regarding all our children as being equal
  • Encouraging a caring, disciplined, educational environment catering for the individual needs of all our children
  • Dealing with any form of discriminatory behaviour through the School's Behaviour Policy and Disciplinary Procedures
  • Ensuring that the buildings and site of the school provide equality of access and present no barriers to access.

Our Home-School Agreement states that together we will:

  • ensure that the Christian ethos of love and care is reflected in all we do
  • promote high standards of work and behaviour
  • support the values and ethos of the school
  • encourage good relationships and mutual respect within the school community     
  • recognise and value our diverse cultural backgrounds
  • create a safe and bullying-free environment.

Jesus taught us to treat everyone else as we would like to be treated.  In All Saints’ School we value everyone and have agreed that this is how we will behave.

Class rules are agreed with the children at the beginning of the school year and are based around:

  • Being kind, helpful and polite
  • Working hard
  • Looking after property
  • Listening to people
  • Being honest

These rules are displayed in each classroom and referred to in lessons.

British  Values Statement

“The core purpose of any Church school is to maximise the learning potential of every pupil within the love of God.”  Archbishop Justin Cantuar, Eastertide 2014

The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”  The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated in 2014.

All Saints’ is passionate about , Educating the saints of today for the world of tomorrow , to help each child to fulfil their potential in all aspects of their personhood: spiritually, morally,  socially, physically, academically, culturally and physically. We have a duty to try to remove any factor that might represent a hindrance to a child’s fulfilment and that all pupils should be able to engage in learning in a safe and welcoming ethos.

We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school. A variety of curriculum areas provide vehicles for furthering understanding of these concepts and in particular, our RE , PSHE and Topic lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Children embrace these concepts with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives. We actively seek opportunities to expose the children to a wide experience beyond their local community. Their strong rooted ,Christian values –based understanding gives them an excellent platform for embracing change and the diversity of cultures so evident in London and is at the heart of, Educating the saints of today for the world of tomorrow!

Celebrating our values through our Houses

Our House saints are chosen as they exemplify the values that we hold. Children are given house points for good behaviour and contributing to our positve ethos outside the classroom, during playtimes, worship, visits etc.   The houses are:-

  • St. Margaret (blue)
  • Elizabeth Fry (yellow)
  • Mother Teresa (red)
  • Saint Alban (white)
  • William Wilberforce (green)
  • Oscar Romero (orange)

House assemblies are held half-termly and are organised and led by the House Captains and Vice-Captains. The house results are read out at the weekly praise assembly - stickers and trophies are awarded on a half termly and annual basis for the winning house.

Our responsibility towards others

Raising awareness of the children’s responsibility to others is a core element of our ethos and values. This is not just limited to the All Saints’ Community but encompasses social, environmental and global responsibilities. Examples of this include the Year 6 roles within the school, Year 5 Young Leaders, Sports Ambassadors, projects with the local community and support of local, national and international charities.